Impressive sights

at the Val Casies Valley - Monguelfo - Tesido
Hinter stolzen Mauern

The magnificent Welsperg Castle above Monguelfo is the only castle in the upper Val Pusteria accessible to visitors. A visit to the castle can be perfectly combined with a walk on the "Small round of the Castle" or the "Big Castle circuit". The castle and it's garden are the setting for various concerts and art exhibitions. On the steep, wooded hilltop, opposite Welsperg Castle, lies the ruins of Thurn. The St. George's church in Tesido is one of the oldest churches in Val Pusteria. It's foundation probably dates back to the Carolingian period. The famous painter Paul Troger was born in Monguelfo. Paul Troger made the high altar painting and the two side altar paintings in the parish church in Welsberg a gift to his home church.

Numerous sights